Ladies Pistol - Cody, WY

Course Category: 


Specifically designed for women of all ages interested in family or personal safety, the enjoyment of the outdoor shooting sports, or the development of recreational shooting skills. 

We teach our female students the proper use and safe handling of a handgun, chemical irritants (i.e., pepper spray), as well as learning and applying effective self-defense techniques. 

Due to our proactive teaching approach, our cumulative experience, thoroughness, and the emerging desire for a course like this that caters to women, this is one of our more popular classes. 

Upon completion of this class the student should be confident and proficient with: 

  • Understanding "Stalker Laws"
  • Knowing what a stalker is
  • Laws specifically designed to protect women
  • Applying "Situational Awareness" to everyday life
  • Pistol marksmanship
  • Unarmed self-defense techniques
  • Edged weapon awareness (i.e., how to use a knife to protect yourself)
  • Proper utilization and employment of Pepper Spray 

Equipment: (Equipment can be provided, upon request in advance) 

  • Eye and ear protection
  • Handgun
  • Holster
  • Magazine or speedloader pouch 
  • 2 magazines or 1 speed loader
  • Belt
  • Shirt with sleeves
  • Hat
  • Ammunition - 400 rounds (minimum)